'The small stone houses I saw up there - are they Inca ruins?'
During his career, Chambi also travelled the Andes extensively, photographing the landscapes, Inca ruins, and local people.
Overgrazed hillsides surround the lake and there are also Inca ruins nearby.
Inca ruins built on top of the face are also considered to represent a crown on his head.
Tipón, located east of Cusco, are Inca ruins which may have been a park for the upper class or an agricultural centrum.
Inca ruins can be found at the volcano's summit, offering definitive proof of numerous Pre-Columbian ascents.
Not long after ascending to 12,000 feet on his expedition to seek out undiscovered Inca ruins, Olly needs some help from a traditional Andean pick-me-up.
Archeologists, another category of foreigners often found in Peru's interior, are pulling back from areas containing rich Inca ruins.
He photographed the landscapes, Inca ruins, and local people.
The nearby Cañar plantation (in the county of the same name) features the biggest Inca ruins in Ecuador.