After the Inchon landings, Gurke screened fast attack carriers launching powerful strikes against enemy positions and supply lines.
Late that month he arrived in Korea and participated in the Inchon landing.
He participated in the Inchon landing and in the capture of Seoul.
The Suhs were evacuated north by truck after the Inchon landings, a few days before US forces entered the city.
He was in action by August 8, 1950, along the Naktong River, and participated in the Inchon landing.
She continued her harassment of the enemy following the Inchon landings, cruising along the east coast of Korea and supporting the minesweeping force.
Includes history of Inchon landing and the march to Seoul.
She participated in several Korean War operations including the Inchon landings.
He had planned and directed the Inchon landing.
By the Korean War, he was commanding a destroyer squadron, assisting in the planning of the Inchon landing.