Even before the summit meeting ended, the upstaged Indian leadership was excoriated at home.
America has been saturated with images of incompetent Indian leadership and harebrained business schemes.
Even if that doesn't work out, the present Indian leadership might decide that the loss of a city or two would be worth it.
World War I began with huge support and goodwill towards the United Kingdom from the Indian political leadership.
And when Islam is united under Indian leadership, it will no longer be humiliated by other nations.
The Indian leadership has said there can be no discussion over Kashmir until the Pakistanis take "concrete steps" to withdraw.
In light of such evidence, claims that the Thomasine title was "recently fabricated" by Indian Orthodox leadership is ridiculous.
There were also issues concerning the training, deployment and objectives of these forces where opinions between Bangladeshi and Indian leadership differed.
The issue of direct military intervention was discussed between the Indian military and political leadership in April 1971.
I have sat down with the Indian and Chinese leadership.