The games closed on 14 October 2010 in a colourful closing ceremony featuring both Indian and Scottish performers.
As part of the Folk Masters series, it featured Indian performers and exhibited diverse music from around the United States and Canada.
C17 Indian performer.
Music, explained Mr. Brigati, was a way for the group of Indian performers to tell the Shinnecock story and vent their community concerns.
Many Indian performers have achieved significant mainstream cultural success.
Only when Mr. Braxton squatted on a rug with the Indian performers did the program seem to bridge the gap it had opened for itself.
He was the first Indian performer to have performed in that event.
This is about the Indian performer.
Harihar Rao was held in the highest esteem by Indian performers around the world for his immense knowledge, experience, and lifelong dedication to classical Indian music.
Around 1909, Lieurance acquired a portable cylinder recording device from Edison Records, and carried it with him whenever he went to visit Indian performers.