The sitting area included a white settee strewn with pillows covered in bright Indian prints, a writing desk and a beautifully minimalist pine table.
Atmosphere: Neat dining room with mirrors and Indian prints lining the walls of a long, narrow storefront.
Against hot-pink gallery walls, the curators, Patricia Uberoi and Pooja Sood, have hung a selection of Indian popular prints from the last four decades or so.
Even in 1972, when other college students were slipping into Indian prints and Birkenstocks to protest racism, dress codes and war, Ms. Laake's faith was unshakable.
The pleasant time-warp quality of the hotel, built in 1926, begins with the lobby, decorated with an eccentric mix of traditional English furnishings and Indian prints.
Seema Mustafa is an Indian print and television journalist.
A pair of queen-size beds with pale, woven spreads and big pillows stood against the back wall, below a signed Indian print.
He names his fabrics for admired women: "Lee Radziwill," a palm and elephants Indian print, was on the dressmaker's dummy in the window.
Instead it was our mother I followed into this strange store full of Indian prints and tie-dye.
Heavy fabrics in American Indian prints, combining pale green, mauve, blue and gray, cover the ash and birch furnishings.