Schuyler Colfax was an Indiana congressman, later House speaker and vice president under Ulysses S. Grant.
It was renamed to honor retired Indiana congressman John T. Myers.
Democratic Congressional leaders immediately named Lee H. Hamilton, a former Indiana congressman, to replace him.
An Indiana congressman caught with a loaded pistol at Louisville International Airport last month pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed deadly weapon.
In the meantime, if I were a Democrat I'd be like Lee Hamilton, the former Indiana congressman and serial commission member.
And when asked why an Indiana congressman was focused on the border, he responded with a ready phrase: "April 11, 1923."
This was done despite the wishes of Indiana congressmen, as they feared that private enterprises would be hurt by federal projects such as this.
After covering local politics for a newspaper in Northern Virginia about 13 years ago, he decided to jump into politics himself, going to work for the re-election campaign of an Indiana congressman, who wound up losing.
His first political job was in the re-election campaign of an Indiana congressman, who wound up losing.
"This was a case where Clinton's new position gathered momentum slowly," said Lee Hamilton, the former Indiana congressman who spent much of his career dealing with China issues.