Some, like the Indiana statute and those modeled after it, restrict the voting power of a bidder.
Both businesses sought to include fully nude dancers to their entertainment lineup, but were prevented by an Indiana statute regulating "indecent behavior."
However, he differed from the majority by arguing that the Indiana statute did not regulate any kind of expression, merely conduct.
The defense sought to show that, in accordance with the pertinent Indiana statutes, Tyson was being formally educated, demonstrated remorse and has been rehabilitated.
The town marshal is a sworn police officer under Indiana statute.
Just last week, the North Carolina legislature passed an anti-takeover law modeled on the Indiana statute.
Whether any of these laws would also pass Supreme Court muster is not clear, because the ruling was limited to the Indiana statute.
Indiana statutes required "Male citizens of good moral character" for admission to the Bar, and so she was forced to restrict herself to office tasks.
Not all shareholder advocates believe the Indiana statute favors management over shareholders.
The motion was denied, apparently because the pertinent Indiana statute allows only a single change of venue.