This morning, the bloodshed of the last few days sent the Indonesian currency, the rupiah, plunging 14 percent, to more than 10,000 to the dollar.
In the period from October 1946 to March 1950 Indonesian currency had no international recognition.
Despite the collapse of the Indonesian currency, the Suharto family is still among the richest on earth.
In the first week of 1998, the Indonesian currency has fallen by more than a third, touching 8,400 rupiah to the dollar today.
Once the Indonesian currency started dropping, the loans could not easily be repaid.
Yet in the end the Indonesian currency lost 85 percent of its value, riots cost more than 1,000 lives and hunger became widespread.
The rupiah, the Indonesian currency, took a sharp dive in value.
The most pressing problem is the collapse of the rupiah, the Indonesian currency.
Dismay over the scandal has battered the Indonesian currency.
With a balanced budget, low inflation and a healthy trade account, there seemed no good reason for speculators to attack the Indonesian currency.