Military involvement in the Indonesian economy goes beyond cronyism.
The project has sponsored many activities related to studies of the Indonesian economy since the mid-1960s.
From the 1970's until last year, the Indonesian economy grew by an annual rate of at least 6 percent.
The Indonesian economy is so hot, and so open to Americans, that they all just wanted to get back to work.
Some of his children's enterprises lost money when the Indonesian economy started its slide down, down.
"We should more actively aid the Indonesian economy to stop the attacks."
The Indonesian economy grew 3.7 percent in 2002, according to data released yesterday, topping the government's forecast of 3.5 percent.
In 2009 the Indonesian economy grew up by 4.5% while many part of the world is in recession.
Oil defines a major sector in the Indonesian economy.
The Indonesian economy suffered in 1997 and 1998 due to the Asian financial crisis.