On 10 November, video emerged of Indonesian fisherman and scuba divers holding dead fish whilst in the water amongst the oil slick.
Rusa deer have established populations in remote islands, probably brought there by Indonesian fishermen.
They also wore sarongs, so that they resembled Indonesian fisherman.
Occasional harpoon kills are still made by Indonesian and Japanese fishermen.
As this was the season the Makkasarese and similar Indonesian fishermen came to Northern Australia, they were associated with the markai.
Indonesian fisherman known as "tree man" returns home after successful surgery to remove bark-like growths covering his body.
Indonesian fisherman feared that he would be killed by the gnarled tree-like growths covering his body.
The most recent sighting was in 1977 by Indonesian fishermen.
Tobacco smoking first reached Australian shores when it was introduced to northern-dwelling Indigenous communities by visiting Indonesian fishermen in the early 18th century.
As Indonesian fishermen improved their technological capacity to catch fish, they also threatened the total supply.