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M. Nasroen (1907-1968) was an Indonesian scholar in the field of philosophy.
His 1967 book, Falsafah Indonesia, laid the way for Indonesian scholars to start treating "Indonesian Philosophy" as a separate area of study.
"People see the hand of the United States in the fall of Sukarno," said Nurcolish Madjid, the most prominent Indonesian Muslim scholar.
His regime was built on the pillars of anti-Communism and economic development, notes Daniel Lev, an Indonesian scholar at the University of Washington in Seattle.
The country moved from the "generation of 10 percent to the generation of 20 percent," said one Indonesian scholar who was careful to speak on the condition of anonymity.
"It used to be that people said, 'Well, no one has ever heard of a retired sultan,' " an Indonesian scholar said.
Some Indonesian scholars explained Megawati's apparent passivity in office by reference to Javanese mythology.
Harun Nasution (1919-1998) was an Indonesian scholar who described himself as a neo-Mutazilite, a modern follower of the medieval movement of the Mutazila.
It was founded by several Indonesian scholars on October 15, 1949, as Akademi Nasional.
Indonesian scholars, they say, have to work in Dutch to pore through documents, monographs and law books of the past.