The boy is feeling better, but naturally upset at the inexplicable death of his friend.
Inexplicable deaths and strange horrors take over a once idyllic California town.
Every parent lives with the specter of the sudden, inexplicable death of a healthy baby during the infant's first year.
Michael was in terror of the news-another rash of inexplicable deaths.
Those inexplicable deaths have made me a wreck," she said, sweeping her hands through her shining hair.
The price to be paid for the innumerable joys of life, it seemed, was the constant threat of swift, inexplicable death.
Nevertheless, he could not risk another inexplicable death, apart from the fact that there was no way of knowing who the unfortunate victim might be next time.
Mrs. B., as Alice nicknames her, is upset by the inexplicable death of a local man.
The bizarre events in this novel includes the inexplicable death of Nenita Coogan.
Mysterious deaths were one thing, inexplicable deaths another.