After his graduation in 1969 he worked as a research associate at the Institute of Archaeology.
The site has been worked by a team from the Institute of Archaeology or the University of London.
A black marble memorial plaque was unveiled at the Institute of Archaeology in 1937.
During 1984-1992 he was an associate professor in Institute of Archaeology in Hebrew University.
He became a professor at the Institute of Archaeology at Hebrew University.
Nearby, the Institute of Archaeology was also severely damaged.
The exhibit was held on the second floor of a building formerly occupied by the Institute of Archaeology.
He worked at the Institute of History and Archaeology as the department head until his death.
The professor will have a room and access to secretarial services in the Institute of Archaeology.
From 1947 to 1957 he worked as director of the Institute of Archaeology, continuing to publish his research.