Recent processor designs such as the Intel Core 2 put more emphasis on increasing power efficiency.
Intel Core is the name of a family of 32-bit dual-core microprocessors.
Intel Core i7 series processors, i5 750 (Lynnfield and Clarksfield).
Early 2011, Intel Core released their new Sandy Bridge processors.
Intel Core 2 processors have been released as single, dual and quad core processors.
Features Intel Core 2 Extreme processor and water cooling system.
The main exception in this case is the upgrade to an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and other minor adjustments.
The E2 has an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and up to three gigabytes of memory.
Going Intel Core 2 in the Hot Rod makes no sense whatsoever in a new system at this price point.
The deal was to be specifically to promote the upcoming Intel Core 2 processor.