Today, many customers buy the Intel-based computers because of all the available software, like Lotus 1-2-3, even if other microprocessors are faster.
China has not reached a similar agreement with Intel, but Intel-based personal computers are widely used in China.
Microsoft is selling an estimated 1.5 million copies of Windows each month, most of them going out the door in tandem with an Intel-based computer.
Thousands, if not millions, of vendors make hardware and peripherals for Intel-based computers that can run Windows or Linux.
Apple's delivery of Intel-based computers several months ahead of their previously announced schedule is another factor in this gap.
I.B.M. said that it expected to move many of the features first developed for its powerful mainframes into the Intel-based computers.
This sort of processor description is now common on Intel-based computers, but it has caused some confusion.
It can run on almost any Intel-based computer (PC or Mac).
Many experts advocate that the user who needs an Intel-based computer, but can get by with a 486-series chip, should buy a 486 machine.
"We'll be able to develop a program that will just work on both I.B.M. and Intel-based computers."