On April 22, 1983, Ferris gained notoriety as the Internal Revenue Service seized $46,000 during a high stakes game at the Horseshoe Casino.
The Internal Revenue Service seized Atlantis property for delinquent taxes and auctioned it on October 26, 1973.
The Internal Revenue Service seized his business, and General Motors terminated his franchise.
In 1968 he declared bankruptcy after the Internal Revenue Service seized his assets to pay back taxes.
You will not be able to write, lest the Internal Revenue Service seize the very words you put on paper.
In February 1997, the Internal Revenue Service acted on Bell's tax debt, docking his wages and seizing his automobile.
In May 1987, the Internal Revenue Service assessed taxes in the amount of $425,055 and seized the Williams home.
The Internal Revenue Service seized a 9-year-old girl's $70.76 savings account Monday to pay her grandfather's back taxes, but her money will be returned, a bank official said today.
Around this time the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seized Jackie's Detroit family home.
Then the Internal Revenue Service seized another house they owned - at 2077 Fifth Avenue, across the street - for failure to pay taxes.