We are also an extremely agile team that frequently ships projects out-of-band to adapt to ever changing Internet environment.
It also refers to the software exhibiting the desired properties (described below) to meet the requirements of the Internet environment.
The transition into an Internet environment poses a number of questions for the firm, some of them quite knotty.
Recent century, the notion of interactive design started popularity with Internet environment.
Now 14 years old, JavaScript was never meant for today's high-demand Internet environment - and it's having problems.
And that would make great contribution to a better Internet environment.
"But many companies want an Internet environment, where they can quickly form teams to handle projects and solve problems."
The objective is to provide the small-business community with a multi-language end-to-end enterprise management tool to run in an Internet environment.
The programs are developed for the Internet environment, including user-friendly database access and search capability.
But business school can be a tough sell in the current, frenzied Internet environment.