We are examining the possibility of becoming an Internet node for the community to hook up our residence with the national information highway.
He started using one of the original Internet (ARPANET) nodes in 1969.
Terminus did his time, got out of prison, and currently lives in Silicon Valley where he is running a full-scale Internet node, "netsys.com."
Today, even privately owned desktop computers can become Internet nodes.
You can upload the book onto bulletin board systems, or Internet nodes, or electronic discussion groups.
EFF had established its own Internet node, "eff.org," with a well-stocked electronic archive of documents on electronic civil rights, privacy issues, and academic freedom.
In addition, all standards-based e-mail messages contain defined fields in their headers in which the source and transmitting entities (and Internet nodes as well) are required to be included.
Specifically, computers participating in the Internet are called Internet hosts, sometimes Internet nodes.
The recent opening of the Internet node in Madagascar was front-page news.
In August 1990 they established regular email routing with an Internet node in Helsinki University over a paid voice line.