An internet petition was started to save the show, after which negotiations begun.
Internet petitions and news articles posted by members are also frequently used.
Since then, has removed the text about the inefficacy of internet petitions.
Within 24 hours, a campaign group called 38 Degrees had launched an internet petition that was to attract more than half a million signatures.
An internet petition for him to stay on for another season collected close to 2500 signatures.
A further rumor is the pending marriage of the pair, indeed an Internet petition advocated this possibility.
Internet petition is a new form of a petition becoming commonplace in the 21st century.
Kuijken's students started an internet petition to save the subsidy which received 21,000 signatures.
Shortly after the name change, an internet petition was created to change the road back to its original name.
Organizers of an Internet petition against the half-hour discussion program said more than 11,000 people had signed it on the Web site.