Internet searching is widely seen by industry executives as a powerful commercial service, but one that is difficult to defend.
That is the difference between hours on end of very specific Internet searching and years of random traipsing through junk stores.
Internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.
Martijn Koster is a software engineer noted for his pioneering work on Internet searching.
Five minutes of Internet searching was all it took.
So it's a good idea to scout around on the Internet well in advance, searching for deals on flights and lodgings.
Then two months ago, they wandered onto the Internet searching for information about relatives in Kosovo, where Serbian soldiers are fighting Albanian separatists.
There will also be plenty about Internet searching and other computerized legerdemain.
Internet searching was at the forefront of the technologies that Microsoft displayed on Tuesday at an event intended to showcase the company's research prowess.
Chloe spent two days on the Internet searching for surviving relatives and turned up nothing.