The remnants of the old river course became an oxbow-shaped lake, for which the Iowa town is named.
In the little Iowa town where you had grown up after your father!
In a way it was the same with the little Iowa town two hundred miles to the west of Chicago on the main Northwestern line.
As expanded from a 10-page story, it concerns an incident of bigotry in an Iowa town in the 1930's.
During the later 19th and early 20th centuries, even small Iowa towns had six passenger trains a day.
He catches on with a minor league team in a small Iowa town, where the atmosphere is light and the citizens welcoming.
Maps cover over 360 Iowa towns from the 1870s to the 1920s.
The play tells the story of a single father from a small Iowa town concerned with his son's declining mental health.
Things begin innocently enough with a mysterious celestial event outside a small Iowa town.
A novel about a scandal in a small Iowa town.