Even some clams called "Ipswich" are not from the clam flats of Ipswich, Mass.
Old records sent teams of officers off to Lynnfield, Mass., a former residence, and to the home of an uncle in Ipswich, Mass.
His father owned Sears Ford Sales in Ipswich, Mass.
The show was performed briefly in Ipswich, Mass.
Doug Stewart, freelance science writer, Ipswich, Mass.
Rabbi Donald Berlin is to perform the ceremony at Castle Hill, a historic house in Ipswich, Mass.
I'd gotten Molly as a puppy when I was married and lived on a salt marsh in Ipswich, Mass.
When he was released from prison in January 2001, Mr. Felton moved to Ipswich, Mass.
A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, she is the restaurant manager at Chipeeze in Ipswich, Mass.
Mrs. Brown, 30 years old, is a dietitian and an owner of Healthy Habits, a nutrition consulting concern in Ipswich, Mass.