On a visit to Iran, Morales also secured Iranian assistance in promotion of hydrocarbon development.
Iranian assistance, were it to materialize, would also infuriate the Pushtuns, who are Sunni Muslims deeply distrustful of the Shiite leadership in Tehran.
The Muslim Brotherhood expected Iranian assistance during the Islamic uprising in Syria against Assad.
Any Iranian military assistance to Iraq would be fraught with potential difficulties.
The Hamas representative in Iran denied the allegation that it had received $30 million from Iran in 1992, but acknowledged Iranian assistance to Palestinian groups.
An arms embargo by the West on all the former Yugoslav republics made the Iranian assistance vital in building up the Bosnian Government forces.
Iranian assistance to radicals in the Sudan and Jordan is becoming increasingly overt, the Israelis say.
Bangladeshi Minister of Power, Energy and Natural Resources also requested Iranian assistance for the construction of new oil refineries in Bangladesh.
Although Hezbollah has received significant Iranian assistance in the past, Iranian officials denied assisting Hezbollah in the current conflict.
Iraq wants Iran to send food and medicine, more important, to help sell embargoed Iraqi oil in repayment for the Iranian assistance.