An Iranian victory over Iraq would cast a long shadow over these vital Western interests.
But neither would relish an Iranian victory.
Against Iran, the same situation happens leading to multiple turns of war, usually ending in an Iranian victory.
Implicit in that view has been a threat of United States intervention to prevent an Iranian victory.
Failure to continue this aid would increase the likelihood of an Iranian victory.
All have remained officially neutral, but would not want an Iranian victory.
No matter how it ends, the seizure of the British sailors is likely to be viewed by most of the world as an Iranian victory.
Meanwhile, the Iraqs (especially after 1982) were heavily supported by foreign nations, many whom did not want to see an Iranian victory.
France was not alone in fearing that an Iranian victory over Iraq would send a shock wave down the gulf.
He is also seeking a pragmatic way to negotiate an end to the war with Iraq that would give the appearance of an Iranian victory.