What makes Iranian weapons dangerous, they argue, is that the regime is a theocracy with connections to Hamas and Hezbollah.
As with many previous indigenous Iranian developed weapons, no performance data has been released to verify official claims.
The National Intelligence Estimate played down any early threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon.
In general, Gonzalez plays down the risk of Iranian nuclear weapons.
US officials have been quizzing them about their current relationship with Tehran, and especially about the implications of a confrontation over Iranian nuclear weapons.
The Iranian weapons found smuggled into Afghanistan are of a wide variety, he added.
In public statements recently, the administration has tried to harden its rhetoric about the dangers of an Iranian weapon.
And there have been several interdictions of Iranian weapons reportedly destined for Syria.
And, the IDF will gladly take any "issues" related to Iranian nuclear weapons into its' own hands.
On 15 March 2011, Israel seized a ship from Syria bringing Iranian weapons to Gaza.