Most of the Iraqi arms originate in the Soviet Union and other East bloc states.
Arab diplomats estimated the value of Iraqi arms sent to the Christians at $15 million a month.
The F-16 flew 30,000 sorties, easily defeating the best Iraqi arms - the same ones the North Koreans use.
"The international community must be able to carry out effective monitoring of Iraqi arms and any development of them," Mr. Chirac said.
The supergun components apparently were not listed in earlier inventories of Iraqi arms.
There is a general consensus that the sanctions achieved the express goals of limiting Iraqi arms.
"I didn't write this stuff," he said in a recent interview, pulling from his pocket a declassified document on Iraqi arms.
Many are scientists who formerly worked in Iraq for the United Nations and are considered experts on Iraqi arms.
"If we gain control, then theoretically they're ours," the official said of Iraqi unconventional arms.
The official added that the Pentagon, which has responsibility for any discovered Iraqi arms, wants no outside help.