An American officer answered the question, putting forward an idea for moving the division over to Iraqi control in stages.
He could also have said that foreign coalition officers have either closed or turned over to Iraqi control 29 forward operating bases across the country.
Ostensibly our departure was a victory - an area turned over to Iraqi control.
The properties are finally being unfrozen and transferred back to Iraqi control.
Since then, this massive oil field has remained under Iraqi control.
The station is now being handed over to Iraqi control.
General Casey said this month that he hoped by the end of the year to have six or seven provinces under Iraqi administrative control.
After that, the push to make a transition to Iraqi control would continue.
"That's the point at which we will have turned over all 18 provinces to provincial Iraqi control," he predicted.
But other ministries, like health, education and agriculture, could be handed over to Iraqi control more quickly.