She woke up later in an Iraqi hospital.
According to the report, 40,000 more children and 50,000 more adults now die each year in Iraqi hospitals than died before the sanctions were imposed.
The figures were based on data collected in four major Iraqi hospitals.
Tending the wounded in war has exhausted whatever resources Iraqi hospitals had.
He was simply glad the boys were here because in an Iraqi hospital they would never have received the same kind of attention.
It was mostly the walking wounded who were taken to Iraqi hospitals.
The hospital was established in 1964 and now represent the second Iraqi hospital after Baghdad medical city.
Patients of an Iraqi hospital (where her work had some effect) took to the streets in protest against the hostage takers' actions.
His condition worsened after an Iraqi hospital failed to close the wounds adequately, and an infection developed.
The doctors told them it was unclear whether the wounds occurred during the attack or after she was taken to an Iraqi hospital.