Iraqi military personnel received various types of guidance from their American counterparts on U.S. soil.
At the same time, former Ba'athists and Iraqi military personnel fled south to Tikrit and began to form the insurgency.
All Iraqi personnel not already on duty were called back from leaves and ordered to increase patrols.
The Iraqi military personnel in Rome have 10 days to comply with the expulsion order, a statement of the Foreign Ministry said.
News photographs showed United States and Iraqi military personnel working together to close the office.
A phalanx of three Iraqi armored personnel carriers and three troop trucks, supported by four T-55 tanks, moved forward to attack the coalition lines.
American and Iraqi personnel have been assessing what is possible by 2011-2012, and what might be done.
Iraqi military personnel may confiscate equipment and temporarily detain individuals taking unauthorized photographs.
Iraqi personnel involved with much of this work indicated they had orders to conceal it from U.N. weapons inspectors.
So the American team fired the guards and replaced them with former Iraqi military personnel.