Whether the surge led to the improvement in Iraqi security, or other factors caused it, is disputed by some.
For the first two years, though it has some success, its goal was frustrated by Iraqi security.
The solution was to let the Iraqi security forces take charge, he added, "but honestly, they're not ready."
On one hand, they provide the best prospect for improving Iraqi security over the next year.
And two months later, on a return trip to Baghdad, the all-seeing eye of Iraqi security caught up with me.
If you were here yesterday I could have put you on the phone with a guy from Iraqi internal security.
Al-Anbar is the 11th province to be transferred to Iraqi security.
Not only is the effectiveness of the Iraqi security forces in doubt, but so is their loyalty.
If we skimp on training and infrastructure for Iraqi security, American forces are going to have to fill in the gap.
About 2,000 members of Iraqi security forces are fighting with the Americans, and it was too early to assess how well they were performing.