The special commission, armed with the most advanced equipment, has the authority to inspect Iraqi sites, destroy weapons and confiscate documents.
Only the maintenance of long-term surveillance equipment installed at Iraqi sites is being permitted.
A3 U.N. inspectors are planning to put seals on Iraqi missile-testing sites.
In practice, however, the inspectors have said, the only aspect of the inspections that has gone smoothly has been gaining access to Iraqi sites.
He suggested that the team's work has been hampered because it is difficult to obtain leads from Western governments about Iraqi nuclear sites.
Officials said that the Iraqi sites involved trenches, which would prevent the contaminated runoff from escaping.
Around half the Iraqi sites south of the parallel are hit.
Over the next few days and months, more Iraqi sites fired on the American patrols, and several were attacked.
Around half the Iraqi sites south of the 32nd parallel were hit.
It was the second time this week that Western aircraft struck Iraqi military sites.