The majority of their flights in the Iraqi theater supported special operations ground forces missions.
Ever since the invasion, military police have been one of the most heavily engaged MOS's in the Iraqi theater due to the constant exposure outside the wire.
Provided combat search and rescue support to Coalition forces in the Iraqi theater of operations.
After service in the Afghan and Iraqi theaters of war, after 100 thousand miles, on the longest carrier deployment in recent history, you are homeward bound.
But it seems like a stale scrap anymore as some marines were reintroduced to the Iraqi theater last month.
The Iraqi theater is awash in rumors and unconfirmed reports.
First, we are taking direct action against the terrorists in the Iraqi theater, which is the surest way to prevent future attacks on coalition forces and the Iraqi people.
The mission tasked to the 133rd Infantry Battalion was convoy security in the western region of the Iraqi theater of operations.
They simply carried forward the use of nudity into the Iraqi theater of operations," said the report.