They did not have the Iris Gardens, the train depots, the Art Museum, the parade on the Fourth of July.
We like the pasta in Rispoli's, the internecine bickering over the Iris Gardens, the way the big clock by the bank looks down on Valley Road.
In the 1950's, the Iris Garden, the Fragrance Garden for the Blind and a garden of natural dwarf plants were established.
Iris Garden - Dykes Medal iris varieties.
Visitors can take a photograph of their own irises and add it, as an example of genetic variability, to the Iris Garden, a wall-size composite portrait.
The garden, which dates from the 1920's, was designed as a series of three contrasting "rooms" or gardens, including a Lily Garden, an Iris Garden and a White Garden.
The festival was founded by Schreiner's Iris Gardens, one of the country's largest retail iris growers, and has been facilitated by the Keizer Chamber of Commerce since 1987.
The Walled Garden includes lawns, orchards, formal Rose beds, mixed borders, a Tea Garden, and an Iris Garden.
Above the fireplace is "Iris Garden," a triptych of colored 19th-century Japanese wood-block prints.
The site also contains a Wisteria Garden, Camellia Garden, Iris Garden, and a Five Grain Garden which collects grain plants used for food, textiles, or dyes in Man'yōshū times.