Numerous gang wars between rival Irish gangs during the early and mid 20th century would contribute to their decline.
Irish gangs targeted blacks because of competition for work.
All my friends were beaten up by Irish and Italian gangs.
The Irish gangs never had the formal structure or initiation rites of the Mafia.
Giggs tells her it is too dangerous to testify against the Irish gangs.
Active since the early 1900s, their rise to notoriety did not begin until the 1960s when they were known simply as the "Irish gang".
By the 18th century bataireacht became increasingly associated with Irish gangs called "factions".
In the 1910s, he established an Irish American gang which became one of Chicago's most powerful early organized crime organizations.
Hadn't the news media figured out that the gangs were created to provide a defense against the deadly Irish gangs, I was asked?
To that end, they opposed their younger members' desire to work with the powerful Jewish and Irish gangs.