The crop slowly spread across Europe, such that, for example, by 1845 it occupied one-third of Irish arable land.
"Are you telling me this might be Irish land?"
Records show Irish lands exported food even during the worst years of the Famine.
Your own good hearts, your own strong hand Win back at last the Irish land.
Hamilton's Irish lands were confiscated and he went into exile in Paris.
He received a grant of Irish lands, having been an 'adventurer' for £200 back in 1642.
Not content to pursue the acquisition of Irish lands by right of inheritance, he extended his ambitions with a scheme for plantation.
It was discovered that his family were originally planters sent over from England to take over Irish land.
I've just lost the Irish lands to some boring man.
The latter especially made huge fortunes out of amassing Irish lands and developing them for industry and agriculture.