The official Irish text was then drafted as a translation of the English text.
Rectifying this problem was especially important because under the constitution, it is the Irish text that takes precedence.
While the changes shown above are those made to the English language version of the constitution, constitutionally it is the Irish text that has precedence.
Technically the Irish text takes precedence in the event of divergence of meaning.
The texts are written in an Irish minuscule text, apparently by a single scribe.
Attempts have been made to reconstruct the political developments of this period by reference to early medieval Irish genealogical texts.
According to Article 25.5.4 the Irish text prevails in such cases.
For its part, security should be communitized and I approve of what the Irish text says about this.
According to one old Irish text there are 17 saints with the name.
Here is the Irish text of the poem.