There was no agreement about what form an Islamic government should take, however.
But they noted that he did not call for creation of an Islamic government like his own.
Both support an Islamic government, although neither has suggested it can or should be imposed.
Until a few weeks ago, some top leaders opposed free elections, demanding Islamic government by force.
He wanted an Islamic government, yes, but to bring relief.
Members of the other group, known as fundamentalists, have been fighting for an Islamic revolutionary government since the early 1970's.
Forced to cover her head in public, she is a walking, talking reminder of how strictly the Islamic government controls its people.
They say they would happily accept an Islamic government if the people asked for it.
Does the rule of law exist or is the unofficial Islamic fundamentalist government in charge?
If an opposition group has a plan for an Islamic government, this book would help to check various aspects of the plan.