There are also 108 Islamic cemeteries in Romania.
Local Islamic and community leaders opposed the burial of converts in Islamic cemeteries.
The two sisters were buried in an Islamic cemetery, and the two men in the local Christian cemetery.
At the end of the reporting period, construction continued on the new Islamic cemetery in Vienna's Liesing district, which was expected to be completed in late 2007.
An Islamic cemetery was also scheduled to be opened in the state of Vorarlberg in late 2007.
The opening of the new Islamic cemetery of the Islamic Faith Community took place on 3 October 2008 in Liesing.
That party had been held in an Islamic cemetery near Old Delhi's ancient Turkman Gate.
Islamic cemetery.
Its identity as an Islamic cemetery is noted by Arab and Persian writers as early as the 11th century.
For the ones who did not, an Islamic cemetery in Bomarsund bears witness to their presence in Finland.