Hindus are a minority in Bangladesh, which has an Islamic constitution, and there have been complaints of violations of their rights over the last decade.
Bashir later stated Sudan would adopt an exclusive Islamic constitution and strengthen Islamic law in the government.
This conflict came to a head during the writing of the Islamic constitution when many newspapers were closed by the government.
The new Islamic constitution was approved by 99.5% of voters, with a 71.6% turnout.
We'll have an Islamic constitution.
He fell ill while he was still preparing an Islamic constitution.
The document was aimed an Islamic, democratic and federal constitution and government.
"How did they not demand an Islamic constitution for Palestine before entering these elections?"
But Mr. Sadr's followers do demand an Islamic constitution, he added, though one that is at the same time accepting of all Iraqi groups.
I will tell them that I would work for equal rights with men under an Islamic constitution.