Les éradicateurs saw no room for compromise with Islamist politicians, and believed that militant organizations should be eliminated through force, refusing talks with their representatives.
Mr. Erbakan, the first Islamist politician to lead modern Turkey, has been under intense pressure from the military.
In the old days, he was one of those Islamist politicians who would not shake a woman's hand.
It was unclear if the victim, Ezzedine Salim, an Islamist politician and writer who this month held the council's rotating presidency, was the specific target.
In 1997, having won barely 20 percent of the vote, an Islamist politician named Necmettin Erbakan set a sharply Islamic tone for his coalition government.
Adıyaman has since been kind to Islamist politician, Necmettin Erbakan.
This has brought her into confrontation with many of Bahrain's Islamist politicians, such as Ali Salman and Adel Mouwda.
Laith Shubeilat is a prominent Jordanian Islamist politician.
When the Government proposed a temporary facility in the Kheitan neighborhood, Islamist politicians and writers and local residents complained vociferously.
If Iraqis elect Islamist politicians, so be it.