He seemed to be trying to be his jovial self, but his thick Israeli accent sounded weary and sometimes slurred.
"Shalom," came an Israeli accent from the back room of the Charles Cowles Gallery.
She spoke in a soft voice that had a slight trace of an Israeli accent.
Nohar had thought he detected a slight Israeli accent.
He carried a heavy Israeli accent, though he had a strong command of English.
Even without an Israeli accent, Jewishness does not merge seamlessly with Irishness.
"You gentlemen are serious," Tsion said, his Israeli accent thick as ever.
In just the slightest Israeli accent, she spoke for 40 minutes about returning pride and confidence to Bain & Company.
Actress Gila Golan's Israeli accent was so strong that all of her lines were redubbed on the film by a voice actress.
We had one of our people in the other room on the line and he is making an Israeli accent.