An Israeli lawyer, Limor Goldstein, was severely injured after being shot twice.
Tzipi Livni - Israeli lawyer and politician, head of the Opposition from 2009-2012.
However, an Israeli lawyer defending several of the Palestinians, encountered outside the prosecutor's office, objected to the "speedy trials" procedure.
I have heard Israeli lawyers describe how, in such circumstances, courts demand continued updates on the ongoing nature of that need.
"Once you get into a negotiation," an Israeli lawyer said, "realism must take hold."
Israeli lawyers have already filed lawsuits.
Israeli lawyers have petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court to allow them to return.
A4 Palestinians kill an Israeli lawyer in the Gaza Strip.
Dr. Tibi has now turned the case over to his Israeli lawyers.
Israeli lawyers, however, claim that these contracts violate Israeli law, and would under not be enforceable.