Behind us sat four Israeli men who may or may not have been listening.
An Israeli man was killed by one rocket and dozens of others suffered various injuries.
After high school, most Israeli men perform three years of military service, while women serve for two years.
Once again, no response came from the Israeli man.
Also, Israeli men and women are required to perform military service after high school.
They killed one Israeli man who was grocery shopping and an 18-year-old army recruit at a bus stop.
Since completing his regular army service, he has been called up for reserve duty several weeks a year like most Israeli men.
After performing three years of compulsory service, Israeli men under 45 serve in the reserves for about a month each year.
The blast also killed an 81-year-old Israeli man and wounded many other bystanders.
An 81-year-old Israeli man was killed immediately from the blast and more than a 100 people were injured.