From the Israeli perspective, the cease-fire, which does not cover the West Bank, is a result of its military tactics and pressure in Gaza.
According to David Gelernter from the Israeli perspective, the world's willingness to accept it at face value promoted the Intifada.
That is also the date for the third and, from the Israeli perspective, most sensitive transfer of land.
In other words, does it take someone sympathetic to the Israeli perspective to understand what motivates the characters in this novel?
Because Israeli society is far more open than either Egyptian or Syrian, richer source material is available from the Israeli perspective.
It has added another hour of material, made up of two brief reports from an Israeli perspective and a panel discussion that presents several points of view.
The important issue in any case is not Israeli pride but Israeli perspective.
The Israeli perspective, Dr. Love wrote, would be the subject of a future assembly.
A 1993 edited book presented Palestinian and Israeli perspectives on water cooperation.
One student wrote from an Israeli perspective, a second student from the Palestinian view.