Israeli weapons were mainly of Western origin.
As is true for most Israeli weapons systems, exact details are highly classified.
The Israeli weapons have reportedly included cluster bombs.
So when they bring down some of the brothers and sisters with Israeli weapons, they'll wonder what the hell, won't they?
"President Arafat doesn't move the Apaches, or the tanks," he said, referring to Israeli weapons.
In 2010, Kenya began seeking the purchase of Israeli weapons, likely to include counterinsurgency systems and unmanned aerial vehicles for border surveillance.
The CIA believed that the number of Israeli nuclear weapons stayed from 10 to 20 from 1974 until the early 1980s.
Palestinian funerals fed the rage that propelled fresh protests that were countered at times by heavy-duty Israeli weapons.
Obama blocked all major Israeli weapons requests, including key projects and upgrades, linking arms sales to progress in the peace process.
He even produced a cache of Israeli weapons allegedly discovered in the Jabal.