The bomb that exploded today was planted about half a mile inside Israeli-controlled territory and went off as a patrol moved on a road near the border, checking for explosives.
But the first of them, in March, was never carried out because the Palestinians rejected it as much too small, returning only some 2.7 percent of Israeli-controlled territory.
Most of them are Arab guerrillas captured during raids into Israeli-controlled territory.
PLO fedayeen continued to operate out of Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Iraq, and the Sudan, as well as within Israeli-controlled territory.
For the first time, Israel's hard-won aerial supremacy was under serious threat, not only on the west bank of the Suez Canal, but over Israeli-controlled territory as well.
A carload of undercover soldiers was stopped by Palestinian police officers near Khan Younis, the army said, but they were immediately escorted to Israeli-controlled territory.
A peak in this area rising to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory.
It could take up to a month before they are actually forced to leave Israeli-controlled territory because they have the right to appeal the decision in the Israeli courts.
Moreover, the plan apparently envisions a Palestinian state divided into three cantons, each separated from the other by Israeli-controlled territory.
The western edge of the city marks the start of "no-man's land" beyond which lies Israeli-controlled territory.