They also secured a temporary site, the Italian Cultural Centre, which served the school for its first nine years.
For a few years, an Italian Center has organized lectures, classes of language, and other cultural events in a room provided by one of the stores.
Today there are 37 societies affiliated to the Italian Cultural Centre.
"That's only about a half-hour longer than it takes to get to the Italian Center in Stamford, where last year's senior prom was held."
He recalled standing in the same ballroom at the Italian Center for testimonial dinners and for previous high school reunions.
The Italian Center was formed in 1928 and bought the house the same year, expanding it in the 1960s with a discreet rear wing.
In 1928, five local organizations that served the city's Italian American community merged to become the Italian Center and moved into the house.
It was, I believe, previously the Italian Centre for Nuclear Energy.
In September 2007, the newspaper celebrated its 25th anniversary with a gala at the Italian Center of Stamford.
Gallery of the Italian Center, Cairo - 1983.