Yu stood and walked around the desk to embrace his Italian colleague.
For this reason, the museum has agreed to work with Italian colleagues on a complete technical study of the statue.
He tells of a recent episode that illustrates his point, when he went with some Italian colleagues to see a photography exhibit.
I myself have never had any problems, for example, with the fact that our Italian colleagues have more money than we do.
Our Italian colleagues used the rate advantage they gained from their accession to the euro area to consolidate.
Mr President, we have some interesting aggression from our Italian colleague up here.
It would be very unfair to some Italian colleagues if we were to do that.
And here, Commissioner, we are fully and entirely in agreement with our Italian colleagues.
It is difficult to imagine the kind of reception that David Petrie gets from his Italian colleagues when he goes to work in the morning.
Amaldi's presence there had been sought by two other Italian colleagues, also physicists.