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Their Italian competitors were unable to keep up.
During last night's premiere, the 24-year-old blonde reality star simply out-danced her Italian competitor, so she's more likely to stay on.
Among them is a bright yellow plastic stopper from an Italian competitor.
Up until the twentieth stage, the race was being dominated by the Italian competitors.
A total of 35 Italian competitors will take part in four sports:
The Italian competitor lost her next match, so Vanessa could not start in repêchage.
In 1995, Cimbali purchased its leading Italian competitor, Faema.
"If the exchange rate remains at its current status, it's going to make us much, much more competitive against our French and Italian competitors."
She suffered the injury in a singles match with the Italian competitor.
Bizzoni is the only known Italian competitor at the St. Louis Games in 1904.