Ranieri's boyhood ambition had been to become a chef in an Italian kitchen.
Instead of a reasoned pairing of a pasta and sauce, as you would find in an Italian kitchen, it's left to whim.
"Fall is the most sensual time of the year in the Italian kitchen," she says.
Usually, this is not a problem, given the expansive nature of the Italian kitchen.
Italians may look askance at this recipe: after all, it calls on spices entirely alien to the Italian kitchen.
V Map This authentic Italian kitchen is one of the best restaurants in the area.
Aside from the cheese, these flavors are ones you might find in any Italian kitchen.
Italian kitchen is maybe less professional, maybe not so pretty, but much more fun.
We spent £150,000 building an Italian kitchen and targeted corporate clients who wanted to learn cookery as team-bonding or motivational exercises.
And desserts, never a triumph of the Italian kitchen, are the least impressive section of the menu.